Zdvojená slovesa v současné češtině = Double-paradigm verbs in contemporary Czech.

Autor: Chromý, Jan, 1983-
Jazyk: čeština
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of so-called double paradigm verbs (muset - musit, bydlet - bydlit, myslet - myslit, šílet - šilit, kvílet - kvílit and hanět - hanit) in contemporary Czech which is based on data from two Czech corpora: SYN2010 and SYN2009PUB. There is a common assumption in the literature that these verbs are classified as having two distinct paradigms: a "prosit-paradigm" and a "sázet-paradigm"(or in some cases a "trpět-paradigm"). The analysis shows that this assumption is false for contemporary Czech. It is shown that these verbs behave differently: muset, kvílet and šílet are used according to the "sázet-paradigm", myslet and bydlet according to "trpět-paradigm" and the verb hanět is even more specific (present forms are used according to the "prosit-paradigm" and infinitive forms vary between the usage of stem suffix -e- and -i-). It is thus demonstrated that these verbs do not form a distinct category in contemporary Czech.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR