Českoslovenští dobrovolci na cestě z Ruska do Francie : severní cestou na západní frontu - sonda do válečné každodennosti.

Autor: Vácha, Dalibor, 1980-
Jazyk: Czech; English
Druh dokumentu: Non-fiction
Abstrakt: Abstract: The article presented is concerned with the history of the daily life of Czechoslovak legionaries in Russia during the course of the First World War. Specifically, this means the journey of several hundred volunteers to France, where a good-sized Czechoslovak exile army was to have been formed. The grand plans involving thousands of prisoners however, for were for a variety of reasons abandoned, and the two transports from the Northern Russian ports were the only ones that departed for France during the war. The journey is not regarded from the point of view of political or strictly military history, even though in the introduction an outline of the so-called larger history is also briefly sketched in. The main emphasis is placed on the history of everyday life (messing, quarterage, clothing, free time, attention dedicated to the world around). Therefore, the study is based upon analysis of a collection of predominantly published personal sources of direct participants in the journey to France. It even includes the half-forgotten episode of the Czechoslovak captives who traveled to France all the way from the Romanian prison camps.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR