Krajina v bitke - bitka v krajine: vojenské a historickogeografické aspekty bitky pri Hámroch (1708) a ich rekonštrukcia na digitálnom modeli reliéfu = Landscape in battle – battle in landscape: Military and historical-geographical aspects of the battle by Hámry (1708) and their reconstruction using a digital model of the relief.

Autor: Chrastina, Peter, 1969-
Jazyk: slovenština
Druh dokumentu: Kniha
Abstrakt: Abstract: The battle by Hámry (1708) is linked to names, events and tragedies of the fallen and the injured. The evaluation and specific maneuvers of the enemy armies have been discussed (fairly) reliably in the scholarly literature. On the other hand, only incomplete, fragmented data about the character of the landscape of the battlefield and its unique parameters are available. This essay examines the landscape of the battlefield and other selected phenomena of the battle, which are reconstructed using a digital model of the relief.
Databáze: Katalog Knihovny AV ČR