Digital Pirireis Limited, having its [...].

Zdroj: Daily Mail. 10/4/2021, p47. 1p.
Abstrakt: Digital Pirireis Limited, having its registered office at II Contabile, Suite 5 1 , Guinness Enterprise Centre Taylor's Lane Dublin 8. and having its principal place of business at II Contabile, Suite 5 1 , Guinness Enterprise Centre Taylor's Lane Dublin 8, having ceased to trade and 4Me Software Solutions Limited, having its registered office at 3 Newbury Heights, Clonshaugh Road, Dublin 17 and having its principal place of business at 3 Newbury Heights, Clonshaugh Road, Dublin 17 having ceased to trade and Cabin Crew Europe Limited, having its registered office at Unit 19 Grange Parade, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin 13 D13A312 and having its principal place of business at Unit 19 Grange Parade, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin 13 D13A312 having ceased to trade and LMG Jewelry (Ireland) Limited, having its registered office at 2nd Floor Greenhills Retail Park, Greenhills Road, Dublin 24 and having its principal place of business at 2nd Floor Greenhills Retail Park, Greenhills Road, Dublin 24 never having traded and Paul Finan Electric Limited, having its registered office at 126 Rosan Glas, Rahoon, Gahway and having its principal place of business at 126 Rosan Glas, Rahoon, Galway having ceased to trade and Derrinturn Properties Limited, having its registered office at Monument Road, Menlo, Galway and having its principal place of business at Monument Road, Menlo, Galway never having traded and each of which has no assets exceeding €150 and having no liabilities exceeding €150, have each resolved to notify the Registrar of Companies that the company is not carrying on business and to request the Registrar on that basis to exercise his/her powers pursuant to section 733 of the Companies Act 2014 to strike the name of the company off the register. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Regional Business News