Detection of clinically significant gene variants in colon adenocarcinoma samples of ukrainian patients using a cancer hotspot panel.

Autor: Gerashchenko, G. V.1, Gulkovskyi, R. V.1, Melnichuk, N. S.1, Marchyshak, T. V.1, Mankovska, O. S.1, Bezverkhiy, A. M.1, Gordiyuk, V. V.1, Rosha, L. G.2, Kotuza, A. S.2, Kolesnik, O. A.3, Tkachuk, Z. Yu.1, Kashuba, V. I.1, Tukalo, M. A.1
Zdroj: Biopolymers & Cell. 2024, Vol. 40 Issue 3, p197-197. 1p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate