NF1+/ex42del miniswine model the cellular disruptions and behavioral presentations of NF1‐associated cognitive and motor impairment.

Autor: Swier, Vicki J.1 (AUTHOR), White, Katherine A.1 (AUTHOR), Negrão de Assis, Pedro L.1 (AUTHOR), Johnson, Tyler B.1 (AUTHOR), Leppert, Hannah G.1 (AUTHOR), Rechtzigel, Mitchell J.1 (AUTHOR), Meyerholz, David K.2 (AUTHOR), Dodd, Rebecca D.3,4 (AUTHOR), Quelle, Dawn E.5 (AUTHOR), Khanna, Rajesh6 (AUTHOR), Rogers, Christopher S.7 (AUTHOR), Weimer, Jill M.1,8 (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: CTS: Clinical & Translational Science. Jun2024, Vol. 17 Issue 6, p1-14. 14p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate
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