Exploring the Effect of Specimen Size on Elastic Properties of Fused-Filament-Fabrication-Printed Polycarbonate and Thermoplastic Polyurethane.

Autor: Chadha, Charul1 (AUTHOR) charulc2@illinois.edu, Olaivar, Gabriel2 (AUTHOR) olaivar2@illinois.edu, Mahrous, Mahmoud A.3 (AUTHOR) mahrous2@illinois.edu, Patterson, Albert E.4,5 (AUTHOR) aepatterson5@exchange.tamu.edu, Jasiuk, Iwona1 (AUTHOR) charulc2@illinois.edu
Zdroj: Materials (1996-1944). Jun2024, Vol. 17 Issue 11, p2677. 17p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate
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