Histone and Histone Acetylation-Related Alterations of Gene Expression in Uninvolved Psoriatic Skin and Their Effects on Cell Proliferation, Differentiation, and Immune Responses.

Autor: Romhányi, Dóra1 (AUTHOR) romhanyidora9411@gmail.com, Szabó, Kornélia1,2,3 (AUTHOR) szabo.kornelia@med.u-szeged.hu, Kemény, Lajos1,2,3 (AUTHOR) kemeny.lajos@med.u-szeged.hu, Groma, Gergely1,3 (AUTHOR) groma.gergely@med.u-szeged.hu
Zdroj: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Oct2023, Vol. 24 Issue 19, p14551. 22p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate