Examination of the adsorption mechanism of procarbazine anti-cancer drug onto the functionalized GaN nano-tube as a drug delivery vehicle: a DFT study.

Autor: Sadeq, Lina Mohammed Jaafar1 (AUTHOR), Kadhim, Mustafa M2 (AUTHOR) mustafa_kut88@yahoo.com, Azeez, Nidaa Fadhil3 (AUTHOR), Waleed, Ibraheem4 (AUTHOR), Abdullaha, Sallal A H5 (AUTHOR), Hachim, Safa K6,7 (AUTHOR), Awiz, Ali Saeed8 (AUTHOR), Rheima, Ahmed Mahdi9 (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Bulletin of Materials Science. Sep2023, Vol. 46 Issue 3, p1-7. 7p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate
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