40Ar proposed as probe of neutron-induced reactions in a high-density stellar-like plasma at the National Ignition Facility.

Autor: Paul, M.1 paul@vms.huji.ac.il, Sahoo, R. N.1, Tessler, M.2, Jeet, J.3, Velsko, C.3, Zylstra, A.3, Avila, M.4, Dickerson, C.4, Fougères, C.4, Jayatissa, H.4, Pardo, R. C.4, Rehm, K. E.4, Scott, R.4, Tolstukhin, I.4, Vondrasek, R.4, Bailey, T.5, Callahan, L.5, Clark, A. M.5, Collon, P.5, Kashiv, Y.5
Zdroj: EPJ Web of Conferences. 3/22/2023, Vol. 279, p1-5. 5p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate