Beta decay along the N=Z line and its relevance in rp-process and X-Ray bursts.

Autor: Nácher, E.1, Parra, S.1, Briz, J.A.2, Aguilera, P.3, Agramunt, J.1, Algora, A.1, Berry, T.4, Borge, M.J.G.5, Carmona, M.5, Fraile, L.M.2, Ganioglu, E.6, Gelletly, W.4, Guadilla, V.1, Illana, A.5, Lică, R.7, Marroquín, I.5, Molina, F.3, Morales, A.I.1, Orce, N.8, Orrigo, S.E.J.1
Zdroj: EPJ Web of Conferences. 3/22/2023, Vol. 279, p1-5. 5p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate