Influence of samarium doping on enhancing the photosensing capability of nebulizer-sprayed bismuth sulfide thin films.

Autor: Gunavathy, K. V.1 (AUTHOR), Arulanantham, A. M. S.2 (AUTHOR), Raj, I. Loyola Poul3 (AUTHOR), Vinoth, S.3 (AUTHOR), Isaac, R. S. Rimal4,5 (AUTHOR), Prakash, B.6 (AUTHOR), Valanarasu, S.6 (AUTHOR), Ganesh, V.7 (AUTHOR), Algarni, H.7 (AUTHOR), Yahia, I. S.7,8,9 (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing. Feb2023, Vol. 129 Issue 2, p1-12. 12p. 1 Color Photograph, 1 Black and White Photograph, 1 Diagram, 4 Charts, 6 Graphs.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate