Rectal swabs as a viable alternative to faecal sampling for the analysis of gut microbiota functionality and composition.

Autor: Radhakrishnan, Shiva T.1,2 (AUTHOR), Gallagher, Kate I.2 (AUTHOR), Mullish, Benjamin H.1,2 (AUTHOR), Serrano-Contreras, Jose I.2 (AUTHOR), Alexander, James L.1,2 (AUTHOR), Miguens Blanco, Jesus2 (AUTHOR), Danckert, Nathan P.2,3 (AUTHOR), Valdivia-Garcia, Maria2 (AUTHOR), Hopkins, Billy J.1 (AUTHOR), Ghai, Anik4 (AUTHOR), Ayub, Azad2 (AUTHOR), Li, Jia V.2 (AUTHOR), Marchesi, Julian R.2 (AUTHOR), Williams, Horace R. T.1,2 (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Scientific Reports. 1/10/2023, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p1-9. 9p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate