Advances in the diagnosis of herpes simplex stromal necrotising keratitis: A feasibility study on deep learning approach.

Autor: Natarajan, Radhika1 (AUTHOR), Matai, Hiren1 (AUTHOR), Raman, Sundaresan2 (AUTHOR), Kumar, Subham2 (AUTHOR), Ravichandran, Swetha1 (AUTHOR), Swaminathan, Samyuktha3 (AUTHOR), Rani Alex, John4 (AUTHOR), Matai, Hiren D5 (AUTHOR), Rani Alex, John Sahaya6 (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. Sep2022, Vol. 70 Issue 9, p3279-3283. 5p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate