Evidence for rapid phenotypic and behavioural shifts in a recently established cavefish population.

Autor: McGaugh, Suzanne E1 (AUTHOR) smcgaugh@umn.edu, Weaver, Sam1 (AUTHOR), Gilbertson, Erin N1 (AUTHOR), Garrett, Brianna1 (AUTHOR), Rudeen, Melissa L1 (AUTHOR), Grieb, Stephanie1 (AUTHOR), Roberts, Jennifer1 (AUTHOR), Donny, Alexandra1 (AUTHOR), Marchetto, Peter2 (AUTHOR), Gluesenkamp, Andrew G3 (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. Jan2020, Vol. 129 Issue 1, p143-161. 19p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate