Interlaboratory ring test of time-resolved fluoroimmunoassays for zeranol and α-zearalenol and comparison with zeranol test kits.

Autor: Cooper, K.M.1, Ribeiro, L.2, Alves, P.2, Vozikis, V.3, Tsitsamis, S.3, Alfredsson, G.4, Lövgren, T.5, Tuomola, M.6, Takalot, H.5, Iitia, A.5, Sterk, S.S.7, Bloklandl, M.7, Kennedy, N.G.8
Zdroj: Food Additives & Contaminants. Sep2003, Vol. 20 Issue 9, p804. 9p.
Databáze: Academic Search Ultimate