Effect of Agave attenuata extracts on detoxification enzymes of Biomphlaria alexandrina.

Autor: Hamed, R. R.1 hamed•rr@hotmail.com, Maharem, T. M.2, Farid, N. M.1, Ramadan, Kh.2, Aziz, M. H. Abdel1
Zdroj: Environmentalist. Sep2006, Vol. 26 Issue 3, p157-164. 8p. 4 Charts, 1 Graph.
Abstrakt: The toxicity and rising costs of synthetic molluscicides have led to interest in compounds derived from locally growing plants that can be used as molluscicides. The aim of the present work was to study the effect of extracts of some Egyptian plants having lethal effect on snails of medical importance ( Biomphlaria alexandrina) as well as on antioxidant and glutathione detoxification enzymes. Ethanolic extracts of locally growing plants Agave attenuata, Agave sislana, Phytolaca dodecandra and Euphorbia spllendens were applied as a contact poison to B. alexandrina, the intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni. The LC50 of A. attenuata, A. sislana, P. dodecandra and E. spllendens are 82, 101, 98 and 98 mg/L, respectively. Glutathione and the enzymes involved in protection of the snail from reactive oxygen species namely, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferase, catalase, gamma glutamyl transferase increased in the survival snails exposed to high concentrations of A. attenuata. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase indirectly affecting glutathione reductase and the oxidation, reduction of glutathione significantly decreased in snails exposed to A. attenuata extracts. Superoxide dismutase level tend to decrease in snails exposed to A. attenuata of action. In conclusion A. attenuata is preferable when compared with synthetic molluscicides. The enzymes involved directly or indirectly in protection mechanism of the snail against A. attenuata are mainly responsible for snails survival. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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