Ambitious tyre recyclers shift gear: In a world flooded with expectations about e-mobility, we can't ignore a key part of all earth-bound transport: tyres. So what is on the cards for this often overlooked scrap market?

Autor: Linnenkoper, Kirstin
Zdroj: Recycling International. May/Jun2024, p56-62. 6p.
Abstrakt: The global tyre recycling market is valued at EUR 5.3 billion in 2023, with Asia and Oceania being the largest producers. Europe is expected to have the fastest growth in tyre recycling due to stricter environmental laws. The European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers' Association reports that at least 90% of used car and truck tyres in Europe are reused. Efforts are being made to improve tyre recycling and create higher-value products from recycled tyres. However, there are concerns about the potential negative impact of an EU ban on exporting end-of-life tyres to non-OECD countries. The UK's Tyre Recovery Association is calling for similar regulations to prevent tyre dumping. Australia has already banned the export of most used tyres and is considering legislation for chemical recycling and mandatory recycled content targets. The European Union is taking action in this area, but the Australian government has not yet engaged. Collaboration between industry and policymakers is crucial to address economic uncertainties and promote a more sustainable tyre recycling sector. Various recycling projects and technologies are being developed globally to handle end-of-life tyres and increase the use of recycled rubber in new products. [Extracted from the article]
Databáze: GreenFILE