Semi‐Monthly Lunar Tide Oscillation of foF2 in Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) Crests During 2014–2015 SSW.

Autor: Tang, Qiong1 (AUTHOR), Zhou, Chen1 (AUTHOR), Li, Zi‐Shen1 (AUTHOR), Liu, Yi1 (AUTHOR), Chen, Guan‐Yi1 (AUTHOR)
Zdroj: Journal of Geophysical Research. Space Physics. Jan2021, Vol. 126 Issue 1, p1-13. 13p.
Abstrakt: We investigate the ionospheric responses to the 2014–2015 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event in winter and summer hemisphere by using ionosondes distributed in Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) crests. Daily mean value of foF2 at each station shows obvious semimonthly lunar tide (∼14.5‐day period) modulation from lower to higher latitude in both hemispheres during SSW period. Besides, lunar tide modulation in summer hemisphere is later than that in winter hemisphere, which can be explained by the planetary wave penetrating across the equator from winter to summer hemisphere. In addition, lunar semidiurnal tide extracted from foF2 presents evident enhancement after warming onset. Our results demonstrate the quasi 16‐day periodic oscillations in F region of EIA crests are caused by the enhanced lunar tide in dynamo wind of mesosphere and lower thermosphere region, which is due to the disturbances in the zonal mean wind distribution in connection with SSW.Plain Language Summary: The sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) is a large‐scale meteorological event in the winter polar stratosphere, and the connection between SSW and ionosphere variability is now well established observationally, however, the mechanisms responsible for generating the ionosphere disturbances remains an active area of research. In this study, we try to investigate the lunar tide modulation in ionospheric Equatorial Ionization Anomaly crest in both hemispheres and its latitudinal dependence during a minor SSW event. We analyze the possible mechanism for explaining the enhanced lunar modulation which occurs successively from lower to higher latitude.Key Points: Semimonthly lunar tide modulation in foF2 occurs in sequence from lower to higher latitude in Equatorial Ionization Anomaly crest of both hemispheres during sudden stratospheric warming (SSW)The peak of quasi 16‐day oscillation in foF2 also appears from lower to higher latitude in both hemispheres in sequenceLunar effect on foF2 in winter hemisphere is earlier than that in summer hemisphere during SSW [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: GreenFILE