Species Composition and Habitat Association of Rodents in Yetere Forest, Central Ethiopia.

Autor: GETACHEW, GEZAHEGN1,2 geze89@yahoo.com, BALAKRISHNAN, MUNDANTHRA1 balak212@yahoo.com, BEKELE, AFEWORK1 afeworksimegn@gmail.com
Zdroj: International Journal of Ecology & Environmental Sciences. 2016, Vol. 42 Issue 3, p193-200. 8p.
Abstrakt: Species composition and habitat association of rodents were studied in Yetere forest, Central Ethiopia during August 2011-February 2012. Based on the topography and vegetation types, the study area was classified into forest (F), grassland (GL), bushland (BL) and farmland (FL) habitats. In each of the habitat types, one 4900 m2 live trapping grid was marked to trap rodents using Sherman live-traps and another grid at a distance of >200 m to trap using snap-traps. A total of 333 individual rodents were captured by Sherman live-traps and 65 by snap-traps during both the wet and dry seasons. The trapped species were Stenocephalemys albipes (35.68%), Acomys cahirinus (26.38%), Myomys fumatus (23.87%), Pelomys harringtoni (8.04%) and Mastomys natalensis (6.03%). Further, Hystrix cristata, Tachyoryctes splendens, Procavia capensis and Miniopterus inflatus were observed in the study area, but not trapped. The composition and distribution of the trapped species varied from habitat to habitat and season to season. The highest species composition was recorded in the bushland habitat and the least was in the grassland habitat. Stenocephalemys albipes was widely distributed and the most abundant species in all habitats in the study area. Mastomys natalensis, which had the least richness and abundance, was trapped only from the farmland habitat. Mastomys natalensis and P. harringtoni were trapped only during the wet season, whereas M. fumatus was trapped only during the dry season. Better habitat heterogeneity and cover support more abundance of small mammals in natural habitats. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: GreenFILE