Reaction of the National Environmental Groups to Devolution.

Autor: Welsh, Michael M.1
Zdroj: Society & Natural Resources. Apr2004, Vol. 17 Issue 4, p293-304. 12p.
Abstrakt: Devolution, decentralization, or localism is a policymaking phenomenon now well documented by analysts of environmental politics. The reaction of the major environmental groups to devolution is less known. This article reports on research that documents a complex array of reactions among and within the major environmental groups for dealing with this trend. Those reactions, this article shows, vary in conformance with a four-part grouping or typology that divides groups up according to their understanding of this trend as (first) either inevitable or an artifact of the modern balance of political power and (second) either positive or negative for the environmental goals and values these groups, hold. After sketching this more complex picture of responses, this article suggests comparative strengths and weaknesses between them. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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