Characteristics of lead isotope ratios and elemental concentrations in PM10 fraction of airborne particulate matter in Shanghai after the phase-out of leaded gasoline

Autor: Zheng, Jian1,2, Tan, Mingguang1, Shibata, Yasuyuki2, Tanaka, Atsushi2, Li, Yan1, Zhang, Guilin1, Zhang, Yuanmao3, Shan, Zuci3
Zdroj: Atmospheric Environment. Mar2004, Vol. 38 Issue 8, p1191. 10p.
Abstrakt: The stable lead (Pb) isotope ratios and the concentrations of 23 elements, including heavy metals and toxic elements, were measured in the PM10 airborne particle samples collected at seven monitoring sites in Shanghai, China, to evaluate the current elemental compositions and local airborne Pb isotope ratio characteristics. Some source-related samples, such as cement, coal and oil combustion dust, metallurgic dust, vehicle exhaust particles derived from leaded gasoline and unleaded gasoline, and polluted soils were analyzed for their Pb content and isotope ratio and compared to those observed in PM10 samples. Airborne Pb concentration ranged from 167 to 854 ng/m3 in the seven monitored sites with an average of 515 ng/m3 in Shanghai, indicating that a high concentration of Pb remains in the air after the phasing out of leaded gasoline. Lead isotopic compositions in airborne particles (207Pb/206Pb, 0.8608±0.0018; 208Pb/206Pb, 2.105±0.005) are clearly distinct from the vehicle exhaust particles (207Pb/206Pb, 0.8854±0.0075; 208Pb/206Pb, 2.145±0.006), suggesting that the automotive lead is not currently the major component of Pb in the air. By using a binary mixing equation, a source apportionment based on 207Pb/206Pb ratios, indicates that the contribution from automotive emission to the airborne Pb is around 20%. The Pb isotope ratios obtained in the source-related samples confirmed that the major emission sources are metallurgic dust, coal combustion, and cement. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]
Databáze: GreenFILE