Studies on amino-hexoses. I, Oxidation of glucosamine and chondrosamine with sodium hypochlorite. New routes to d-arabinose and d-lyxose. II, Oxidation of glucosamine with chlorine. The formation of glucosone and its identification. III, Oxidation of glucosamine with lead dioxide. Oxidative cleavage of α-glycols analogous to Criegee's oxidation. IV, Biochemical degradation of glucosamine. Butylene glycol fermentation by Aerobacter cloacae. V, The mechanism of the formation of so-called chitose from glucosamine. A comment on the reaction of nitrous acid upon amines /

Hlavní autor:
Typ dokumentu: Kniha Seriál
Jazyk: angličtina
Vydavatel: Osaka : Osaka University. Faculty of Science, 1951.
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