Differential Equations with Impulse Effects : Multivalued Right-hand Sides with Discontinuities

Autor: Nikolai A. Perestyuk, Viktor A. Plotnikov, Anatolii M. Samoilenko, Natalia V. Skripnik
Popis: Significant interest in the investigation of systems with discontinuous trajectories is explained by the development of equipment in which significant role is played by impulsive control systems and impulsive computing systems. Impulsive systems are also encountered in numerous problems of natural sciences described by mathematical models with conditions reflecting the impulsive action of external forces with pulses whose duration can be neglected. Differential equations with set-valued right-hand side arise in the investigation of evolution processes in the case of measurement errors, inaccuracy or incompleteness of information, action of bounded perturbations, violation of unique solvability conditions, etc. Differential inclusions also allow one to describe the dynamics of controlled processes and are widely used in the theory of optimal control. This monograph is devoted to the investigation of impulsive differential equations with set-valued and discontinuous right-hand sides. It is intended for researchers, lecturers, postgraduate students, and students of higher schools specialized in the field of the theory of differential equations, the theory of optimal control, and their applications.
Databáze: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)