Komunikace v textu a s textem

Autor: Alena Macurová
Popis: The volume entitled Komunikace v textu a s textem (Communication in and with a text) contains thirty five studies by Alena Macurová that were originally published between the years 1974 and 2014. The selected studies are divided into six parts. Part one consists of studies dedicated to general issues concerning text and communication and the analysis of the communicative structure of literary texts. The author sees communication as a crucial social activity of human beings that is carried out through texts and that is reflected and modelled in texts as well. A well‑developed theory of textual subjects represents a fundamental element of author's theory. Subjects standing outside the text and subjects modelled within the text are distinguished as well as subjects connected with productive and receptive communicative activity. These subjects are joined by subjects modelled within the text. Literary works by Jan Neruda, Vladislav Vančura, and Eduard Bass as well as texts belonging to the sci‑fi and detective genres are analysed using the above mentioned theoretical basis. Analyses concentrate on communicative activity of literary characters in literary texts as well as on the question how texts influence and determine their reception, how they model the presupposed reader through instructions of various types. Texts collected in the second part concentrate on questions connected with translation, which is seen as a specific type of interpretation of a text accompanied by a change in the original code and in the context; the manner of reception by the reader in the target culture is also modelled. The research deals with e.g. translation strategies used by Josef Jungmann in the time of Czech national revival or various solutions used by translators of texts with ambiguous expressions, culturally determined references or with multilingualism (prosaic works by Lewis Carroll or William Styron). Part three contains studies that analyse typical features of selected genres – instructions for work, advertisements, and especially private letters. The author analyses thoroughly especially letters by Božena Němcová. Part four is dedicated to the problem of adaptations (e.g. adaptations of Božena Němcová's fairy tales) and to the research in receptive habits and abilities of readers. The author uses the example of notes on Jan Neruda's short stories published in so called reader's diaries in the internet to show that reading competences decline severely. The fifth part covers studies in development of stylistics, especially in theories of representatives of Czech structural linguistics and in understanding style as an integrative principle connected with the sense of a text developed by Karel Hausenblas. The sixth part offers selected recent studies analysing written texts by Czech deaf speakers and features of Czech sign language.
Databáze: eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)