Popis: |
1. The Chronici canones of Eusebius of Caesarea: Structure, Content, and Chronology, AD 282-325. 2. The Continuatio Antiochiensis Eusebii: A Chronicle of Antioch and the Roman Near East during the Reigns of Constantine and Constantius II, AD 325-350. Two detailed studies based upon the reconstructed Greek texts of the last portion of the chronicle of Eusebius of Caesarea and a lost continuation of Eusebius written in Antioch in 350. The commentary of the former concentrates on Eusebius and the writing of the chronicle, that of the latter on a detailed analysis of the events narrated by the chronicler from 325 to 350.'Mit beachtlichem Fleiß und stupender Kenntnis der Quellen und Sekundärliteratur hat Burgess zwei bedeutsame Studien vorgelegt […] die neue Wege eröffnen. Eine beeindruckende Arbeit'Byzantinische Zeitschrift'Das Studium der Arbeit von Burgess ist fortan allen Erforschern des spätantiken östlichen Römischen Reiches nachdrücklich zu empfehlen'Oriens Christianus'These are rich and detailed studies, worthy of note in JSS because of the importance of the reconstructed sources for the Roman-Byzantine Near East.'Journal of Semitic Studies |