Searching for a UV-filter in the eyes of high-flying birds

Autor: Zawadzka, Malgorzata Elzbieta, Racz, Beatrix, Ambrosini, Dario, Görbitz, Carl Henrik, Morth, Jens Preben, Wilkins, Alistair L., Østeby, Anja, Elgstøen, Katja B. Prestø, Lundanes, Elsa, Rise, Frode, Ringvold, Amund, Wilson, Steven Ray Haakon
Zdroj: Zawadzka, Malgorzata Elzbieta Racz, Beatrix Ambrosini, Dario Görbitz, Carl Henrik Morth, Jens Preben Wilkins, Alistair L. Østeby, Anja Elgstøen, Katja B. Prestø Lundanes, Elsa Rise, Frode Ringvold, Amund Wilson, Steven Ray Haakon . Searching for a UV-filter in the eyes of high-flying birds. Scientific Reports. 2021, 11(1)
Scientific Reports
Databáze: NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive)