Využití času v závislosti na přítomnosti dítěte v domácnosti v generacích 40. až 70. let 20. století ve Spojených státech amerických

Autor: Slabá, Jitka
Jazyk: čeština
Rok vydání: 2016
Druh dokumentu: masterThesis
Popis: Time use dependent on presence of children in household for generation 40s to 70s of the 20th century in the United States of America Abstract: The fertility of women has declined under reproduction level 2.1 children per women in economic developed countries during the last few decades. At the same time the employment of women has risen and time use has changed. Main aim of this thesis is to understand how generations born in 1940-1979 living in the USA changed the spending of their time. The AHTUS data set is analysed by comparing averages of times spent by total work, paid work, unpaid work and child care. The time spent by total work declined between generations born at 40s and 70s. Average time spent by paid work declined too. The men's average time spent by unpaid work increased and women's average time decreased. In spite of fertility decrease between 40s and 70s generations, the women's and men's time spent by childcare extremely increased. The men's time spent by child care increased five times, while women's time spent by child care increased more than three times. The rise of time spent by child care is realized by increasing in primary and secondary activities. Primary activities contain time spent by childcare, secondary activities include all activities where childcare was declared e as a...
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