Applications of coupled gas chromatography-atomic emission detection

Autor: Webster, Caroline S.
Rok vydání: 1995
Druh dokumentu: Electronic Thesis or Dissertation
Popis: This thesis describes the evaluation and application of the atomic emission detector as a detector for capillary gas chromatography. Chapter 1 is a general introduction to the technique, describing the development of the atomic emission detector, the theory of its operation, and some of its applications. This chapter also includes a detailed description of chromatography theory. Chapter 2 describes the experimental conditions used throughout the course of this work. Chapter 3 concentrates on compound independent calibration, beginning with a general introduction to the area and a discussion of studies already made. Four groups of compounds were used to determine the ability of the atomic emission detector to perform compound independent calibration. Initial studies with a group of similar hydrocarbons showed little or no compound/structure dependence. However, results from the same study with a group of phenols did indicate some structure dependence for carbon and oxygen, but when chloroanisoles were tested, this compound dependence was not apparent. A group of different nitrogen-containing compounds was then studied. Here structure dependence was observed on all channels, ie carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. It was also noted that the responses became non-linear at higher concentrations. This would normally indicate detector overload, but not in this case as non-linearity occurred to different extents for the same element in different compounds. A study was also made on the effect of discharge tube ageing on response. Clean and dirty discharge tubes were used for the phenols and the nitrogen-containing compounds. The phenol, carbon and chlorine results showed a decreased sensitivity with the old tube, but the oxygen responses were not affected. The same drop in sensitivity was seen with the nitrogen-containing compounds, but here oxygen was also affected. Chapter 4 describes the use of the atomic emission detector and mass spectrometry as complementary techniques. Perfume samples were analysed using both instruments. A comparison of 'real' and 'fake' perfumes was also made. Results indicated that the atomic emission data was useful in deciding whether to accept or reject mass spectral library guesses. Chapter 5 describes the application of the atomic emission detector for the analysis of refinery streams. The use of the 'backamount' correction facility was also effectively demonstrated. Chapter 6 is a general discussion of the instrument including operational problems encountered and possible modifications to overcome these problems. The overall objective of the thesis is to place the GC-AED combination in the context of the commonly used chromatographic techniques.
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