Product knowledge and pictorial information effects on automatic processing

Autor: Wernsing, Tara Sallie, 1968
Rok vydání: 1992
Druh dokumentu: Text
Popis: This paper expands the study of automatic processing in the marketing literature. An empirical study was designed to test for automatic inference making due to pictorial or verbal advertisements and prior product knowledge. The theory developed in this thesis suggests that certain factors, high product knowledge and pictorial processing, will result in the accumulation of information in memory. This, in turn, yields easier processing of new information, which signifies a reduction in the attention and effort needed for processing the new information. Finally, the reduction of effort reflects a decrease in the amount of time needed for processing. Therefore, response latencies served as a direct measure of automatic processing in this thesis. Findings indicated that pictures in ads are likely to result in more automatic inference making than verbal information alone. Therefore, automaticity has the potential to explain some of the information processing that occurs in advertising and marketing.
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