China Carbon Market Study after Paris Agreement came into Effect

Autor: Yu-Yang Lin, 林宇陽
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 106
This study focuses on the evolution of China ETS. After years of discussions on the fighting global warming action of the UN Framework Agreement, which evolved from the “Kyoto Protocol” to the “Paris Agreement”. China has fumbling to established its own ETS under the dual status of a developing country and the world''s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. By studying the development history, current system and achievements of the EU ETS, with local cases of California ETS. as a comparison of the construction of China ETS. From the differences, we can see the inadequacies and possible development trends of China ETS. In 2018, China plans to shift the emission trade system from the pilot stage to national stage. This will intensify the implementation of the emission trade market. Can it accelerate the completion of the Paris Agreement? Human being facing the pressure of climate catastrophe caused by global warming. The development path of the China ETS will be a revelation for other developing countries. To keep the momentum of maintaining economic growth and achieve the common but different responsibility of emission reduction at the same time. This will increase the willingness to do emission reduction from developed countries and developing countries that have not fulfilled their responsibility in Paris Agreement. And achieve the goal of controlling global warming at 2°C at the end of this century.
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