A Model of Internet Advertising Trading Platform for Advertising Industry

Autor: Lee, Shih Yang, 李世揚
Rok vydání: 2018
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 106
This study adopts qualitative research methods and uses grounded theory to analyze the business model of the platform. Two cases of cChannel and Alimama were selected, and they were respectively subjected to the process of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding processes. The main axis of the two cases was obtained. Finally, the similarities of the two cases were analyzed and compared to establish a business model of the platform industry. The model was then applied to the design of the case company OMD’s advertisement platform. The grounded theory analysis exerts the subjective dynamic characteristics of the researchers' prior preferences in the research process, and emphasizes that the subjective biases of the researchers may restrict the depth of excarvating the phenomenon. Therefore, starting from practical problems, this study first identifies research issues through literature review, and then proceeds to field research on these issues and investigate related phenomena. The case company OMD saw the future trend and used a full range of transportation media advertisements to connect with various digital technology services so that the traffic field, brand advertisers, and target consumers are connected through the latest technology and media formats at the moment of seeing the advertisement. This study suggests that OMD investigates and surveys the Taiwan market, and through the research methods of this paper, they may find a matching platform that allows "suppliers," "dsitributors," and "consumers" to enjoy the platform benefit and create new business models.
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