Electrochemical performance of Gd-doped ceria interlayer on the solid oxide fuel cell and solid oxide electrolysis cell.

Autor: Chih-Hsuan Wu, 吳至璿
Rok vydání: 2017
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 105
A procedure is mainly study the intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell (IT-SOFC), and further develop it into Utilized Regenerative solid oxide fuel cell (URSOFC), which has the capability of SOFC and SOEC bidirectional mode. In this study, an anode supported button cell was prepared by TLC method. The anode material was porous nickel oxide (NiO-YSZ) and lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite (LSCF) was used as the cathode material. The lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite is a mixed ionic electronic conductor with respect to the lanthanum strontium manganese (LSM) with higher electrical conductivity and good ionic conductivity. But at high temperatures with the electrolyte YSZ produce non-conductive phase such as: La2Zr2O7、SrZrO3. In order to avoid this phenomenon, we devoted to study of GDC interlayer sintering process, and GDC interlayer sintered between 1200-1300 degrees. And test at 700-850 degrees to know the chemical performance. We used SEM to know the cell microstructure changed after SOFC mode and SOEC mode. Finally, we found that the GDC interlayer sintered at 1300 degrees had a maximum power density of 288.578 (mW/cm2) at operation temperature 850 °C. And one of the biggest increases in performance is the GDC interlayer sintered at 1250 degrees with a maximum current density 648.464 (mA / cm2) at 2.0 V at 850 °C. Compared to traditional SOFC, electrolysis performance will get 386% performance improvement.
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