The study of the impacts on RFID technology apply to supply chain - A case study on the Distribution Center of a Consumer Electronics Industry

Autor: Pei-Hsiu Wu, 吳裴修
Rok vydání: 2009
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 97
The application of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) on the business is developed rapidly in the international firms. Therefore, the demand for the introduction of the RFID for the Taiwanese firm is high to be competitive in the business. However, the introduction of new technology will required comprehensive study before its application. The purpose of this study is to provide a decision support procedure for the Taiwanese electronic consume firms. In this study, we provide a comprehensive procedure for the associated firms to evaluate the impacts of the introduction of the RFID on the interactive operations within the firms, as well as the interconnections among firms in the associate supply chain. Three tasks are conducted in this study. Based on the results of the literature review and survey/questionnaire conducted from associated professional and academic specialists, a series of criteria will be established is the first task. These criteria are then incorporated into an evaluation procedure for the introduction procedure for the RFID application on the associated firms. In Task two, the major criteria for the evaluated the impact of the application of RFID on a firm are identified based on the impact factor analysis based on a comprehensive questionnaire. A case study on the application of the RFID on a distribution center of a Taiwanese electronic firm is conducted in the last task based on the criteria developed in second tasks. Based on the results of the case study, a solid impact study can be reflected by the proposed procedure developed in this study. Therefore, the procedure proposed in this study should provide an effective decision support tool for the analysis of the introduction of the RFID on the business firm.
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