Shih-Yang Lee Piano Recital (with a Supporting Paper and Musical Composition: Zwischen Schwarz und Weiβ for Piano Solo)

Autor: Shih-Yang LEE, 李世揚
Rok vydání: 2008
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 96
The supporting paper consists of two parts: the musical composition Zwischen Schwarz und Weiβ and the essay expounding the ideas, materials and the interpretation of this work. Zwischen Schwarz und Weiβ for piano solo is a three-movement piece. It is inspired by the spirit of freedom, possibilities of spontaneity, surprise, experiment, and discover when improvising.Through an overview to observe the place in the history of improvisation. Furthermore, I will discuss the musical materials applied in this composition and the relationship of the performance practice and its interpretation.
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