Factor analysis of tourist's experience for the leisure farming areas in Nantou

Autor: KUO, CHING-CHUNG, 郭敬中
Rok vydání: 2005
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 94
In recent years rapid development in leisure agriculture, in addition to tradition agriculture developing the difficulty, city population value toward leisure quality and toward traveling of village leisure method, management toward my country leisure agriculture all contain very big help. But in leisure agriculture area quickly establishing of process, widespread all did not express own special features, is just mutual to copy, the special features of each leisure agriculture area is all very alike, making visitor beyond recognition, even causing the visitor of the seasonal measure the difference. So this research investigates the visitor in the experience benefit of seven leisure agriculture areas, at “experience factor”, “total evaluation”, “type of experience benefit type”, “travel behavior” and the related inquisition of “demographic variables”. Understand the difference, each leisure agriculture area of the visitor's experience benefit between the season of difference, and “visitor's characteristic”, “ type of travel consumer behaviors” and “experience factor”, “total evaluation” of whether contain the relativity or not, and through the operator's thorough interview to understand the current conditions and management managements of the Nantou county seven greatest leisure agriculture area, provide the related suggestion on these grounds. Research result manifestation, visitor's sample and two visitor's samples of seasons of the different leisure agriculture area, at “experience factor”, “total evaluation”, “type of experience benefit " all have the obvious difference;Visitor's characteristic, type of travel consumer behaviors and “experience factor”, “total evaluation” of gets the difference examination to then is a part to establish. Key words:Leisure Agriculture, Experiential Benefits, Factor Analyses
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