Novel Preparation of Protein-Clay Hybrids from Stepwise Polyamine Intercalation of Layered Silicates

Autor: Jiun-Chiou Wei, 魏郡萩
Druh dokumentu: 學位論文 ; thesis
Popis: 94
Hybrids of the model bovine serum albumin (BSA) protein and layered silicate clay with d spacing of ~64 Å were prepared from either direct or stepwise intercalation. The pristine montmorilloinite (Na+-MMT) and synthetic fluorinated mica (Na+-mica) was first modified by poly(oxyalkylene)-diamine (POA-amine) salts to a highly-expanded silicate (from the pristine 12 Å to 18~53 Å by different polyamine salts) which became accessible for BSA protein embedding. Subsequent substitution allowed the embedding of BSA into the layered silicate clay in an uncompressed conformation (d spacing = 60~64 Å). For comparison, direct intercalation in Na+-mica rendered only the silicates adsorbed with proteins on the outer surfaces or low d spacing (30 Å) embedment with the compressed BSA. The resultant silicate hybrids were characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), thermal gravimetric analyzer (TGA), dynamic mode atomic force microscopy (DFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Both of direct and stepwise process of embedding large molecules into the silicate gallery have been successfully developed as a new method for encapsulating biomacromolecules within the rigid silicate layers which may be suitable for medical and biosensor applications.
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