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The design of residential structures has changed and evolved throughout years of research based on numerical modelling of real-world conditions. Wood design is controlled heavily by member use, baseline material load capacities, and wood species,all of which determine material properties. Extensive work has been done to determine the effects of altering material properties due to environmental stimuli, however, certain types of decay and wood rot have yet to be fully tested and understood.Certain microbial organisms, given the right conditions, can cause irreversible damage to wood structures. A particularly critical mode of failure is premature column collapse which is driven in part by degraded cross sectional and material properties. Using stiffness relationships smartly programmed into matrix form, it is possible to calculate reduced buckling capacities for these degraded members to draw some important conclusions. Two important items are to determine what degrees of wood decay are critical and what column heights are particularly susceptible to this type of premature failure. Finally, specifications and code should be developed further to assist engineers make choices about the criticality of wood decay without the use of personalized software. This can be done using pre-generated aids to help designers make smarter and more cost effective choices. |