The combined influence of distance and neighbourhood deprivation on Emergency Department attendance in a large English population: a retrospective database study

Autor: Rudge, G.M., Mohammed, Mohammed A., Fillingham, S.C., Girling, A.J., Sidhu, K., Stevens, A.J.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Druh dokumentu: Článek
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0067943
Popis: Yes
The frequency of visits to Emergency Departments (ED) varies greatly between populations. This may reflect variation in patient behaviour, need, accessibility, and service configuration as well as the complex interactions between these factors. This study investigates the relationship between distance, socio-economic deprivation, and proximity to an alternative care setting (a Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)), with particular attention to the interaction between distance and deprivation. It is set in a population of approximately 5.4 million living in central England, which is highly heterogeneous in terms of ethnicity, socio-economics, and distance to hospital. The study data set captured 1,413,363 ED visits made by residents of the region to National Health Service (NHS) hospitals during the financial year 2007/8. Our units of analysis were small units of census geography having an average population of 1,545. Separate regression models were made for children and adults. For each additional kilometre of distance from a hospital, predicted child attendances fell by 2.2% (1.7%-2.6% p
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