Cardiomyocytes Induce Endothelial Cells to Trans-Differentiate into Cardiac Muscle: Implications for Myocardium Regeneration

Autor: Condorelli, G., Borello, U., De Angelis, L., Latronico, M., Sirabella, D., Coletta, M., Galli, R., Balconi, G., Follenzi, A., Frati, G., Gioglio, L., Amuchastegui, S., Adorini, L., Naldini, L., Vescovi, A., Dejana, E., Cossu, G.
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2001 Sep 01. 98(19), 10733-10738.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals