Functional Disorders of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Mice Lacking the α 1B Subunit (Ca v 2.2) of N-Type Calcium Channels

Autor: Ino, Mitsuhiro, Yoshinaga, Takashi, Wakamori, Minoru, Miyamoto, Norimasa, Takahashi, Eiki, Sonoda, Jiro, Kagaya, Takaki, Oki, Tohru, Nagasu, Takeshi, Nishizawa, Yukio, Tanaka, Isao, Imoto, Keiji, Aizawa, Shinichi, Koch, Sheryl, Schwartz, Arnold, Niidome, Tetsuhiro, Sawada, Kohei, Mori, Yasuo
Zdroj: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2001 Apr . 98(9), 5323-5328.
Databáze: JSTOR Journals