Alcohol consumption among fishermen: an integrative review

Autor: Ribeiro, Crystiane Ribas Batista, Saboia, Vera Maria, Pereira, Claudia Maria
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online, 9, 2, 575-582
Druh dokumentu: Zeitschriftenartikel<br />journal article
ISSN: 2175-5361
DOI: 10.9789/2175-5361.2017.v9i2.575-582
Popis: Objective: To summarize the scientific literature regarding the consumption of alcohol among fishermen. Method: Integrative review performed by literature in CAPES databases, ScieLO and LILACS, with data collection on the period from March to April 2014. Results: Alcohol consumption was evidenced as an usual activity among fishermen, emphasizing its association with religion, long working hours, lack of knowledge about weekly maximum levels of satisfactory consumption of alcohol, occupational accidents, sexually transmited and cardiovascular diseases, and hyperlipidemia. Conclusion: The consumption of alcohol is a common practice among fishermen and despite all the studies pointing to this practice, there is no evidence of real alternatives related to promotion, prevention and health care of fishermen in relation to alcohol consumption.
Databáze: SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository