Methotrexate and temozolomide versus methotrexate, procarbazine, vincristine, and cytarabine for primary CNS lymphoma in an elderly population: an intergroup ANOCEF-GOELAMS randomised phase 2 trial

Autor: Omuro, Antonio, Chinot, Olivier, Taillandier, Luc, Ghesquieres, Hervé, Soussain, Carole, Delwail, Vincent, Lamy, Thierry, Gressin, Rémy, Choquet, Sylvain, Soubeyran, Pierre, Huchet, Aymeri, Benouaich-Amiel, Alexandra, Lebouvier-Sadot, Sophie, Gyan, Emmanuel, Touitou, Valérie, Barrié, Maryline, del Rio, Monica Sierra, Gonzalez-Aguilar, Alberto, Houillier, Caroline, Delgadillo, Daniel, Lacomblez, Lucette, Tanguy, Marie Laure, Hoang-Xuan, Khê
Zdroj: In The Lancet Haematology June 2015 2(6):e251-e259
Databáze: ScienceDirect