Fatigue and the prediction of negative health outcomes: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Autor: Bautmans, Ivan g, Verté, Dominque h, Beyer, Ingo i, Petrovic, Mirko j, De Donder, Liesbeth k, Kardol, Tinie l, Rossi, Gina m, Clarys, Peter n, Scafoglieri, Aldo o, Cattrysse, Erik p, de Hert, Paul q, Jansen, Bart r, Knoop, V. a, b, Cloots, B. a, b, Costenoble, A. a, b, Debain, A. a, b, c, Vella Azzopardi, R. a, b, c, Vermeiren, S. a, b, Jansen, B. e, f, Scafoglieri, A. b, d, Bautmans, I. a, b, c, *
Zdroj: In Ageing Research Reviews May 2021 67
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