Measuring the [formula omitted] reaction with the focal-plane detection system of the BBS magnetic spectrometer at AGOR

Autor: Rakers, S, Ellinghaus, F, Bassini, R, Bäumer, C, van den Berg, A.M, Frekers, D *, De Frenne, D, Hagemann, M, Hannen, V.M, Harakeh, M.N, Hartig, M, Henderson, R, Heyse, J, de Huu, M.A, Jacobs, E, Mielke, M, Schippers, J.M, Schmidt, R, van der Werf, S.Y, Wörtche, H.J
Zdroj: In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 2002 481(1):253-261
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