PO-1374 Practice of Radiation Therapy for SCC esophageal cancer in Austria - A Survey of the ÖGRO-GIT-Group

Autor: Gerum, S., Iglseder, W., Clemens, P., Harl, P., Jaeger, R., Knocke-Abulesz, T., Kurzweil, G., Peterka, K., Reiter, I., Salinger, J., Schmid, R., Schwaiger, S., Stranzl-Lawatsch, H., Venhoda, C., Sedlmayer, F., Roeder, F.
Zdroj: In Radiotherapy and Oncology May 2023 182 Supplement 1:S1103-S1104
Databáze: ScienceDirect