Overexpression of MBNL1 fetal isoforms and modified splicing of Tau in the DM1 brain: Two individual consequences of CUG trinucleotide repeats

Autor: Dhaenens, C.M., Schraen-Maschke, S., Tran, H., Vingtdeux, V., Ghanem, D., Leroy, O., Delplanque, J., Vanbrussel, E., Delacourte, A., Vermersch, P., Maurage, C.A., Gruffat, H., Sergeant, A., Mahadevan, M.S., Ishiura, S., Buée, L., Cooper, T.A., Caillet-Boudin, M.L., Charlet-Berguerand, N., Sablonnière, B., Sergeant, N.
Zdroj: In Experimental Neurology 2008 210(2):467-478
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