
Autor: Tonta, Yaşar, Hodge, Gail
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Tonta, Yaşar and Hodge, Gail Introduction. Information Services & Use, 2005, vol. 25, n. 1, pp. 1-2. [Journal article (Paginated)]
Druh dokumentu: Journal article (Paginated)
Popis: Bibliographic, full-text and multimedia databases available through intranets, extranets and the Internet are of paramount importance to all organizations large and small. Networked information services have proved to be an indispensable part of every day lives of users working for both commercial and non-profit organizations as well as of more casual users with personal interests to pursue. Almost half a billion people try to get access to networked information sources and services every day. More often than not they are confronted with too much information. Although search engines, “knowbots”, and “intelligent agents” are of some use in this area, trying to find information among billions of electronic sources is likened to trying to “drink water from a fire hydrant”. Well-designed electronic information management systems and services can facilitate users’ tasks and enable them to better cope with too much information in their private and professional lives. This special issue of Information Services & Use on Electronic Information Management aims to review current developments in electronic information management. Authors of six papers explore a wide variety of operational and policy issues with regards to electronic information management ranging from available sources and services to the description, organization, management, preservation and archiving of electronic information collections to infrastructure, and intellectual property rights of electronic information provision.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)