Strategies for tailoring web contents for specific devices : the case of usable and accessible contents for assistive technologies of web mobile devices

Autor: González Perea, Lourdes, Martínez Usero, José Angel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: González Perea, Lourdes and Martínez Usero, José Angel Strategies for tailoring web contents for specific devices : the case of usable and accessible contents for assistive technologies of web mobile devices., 2006 . In International Workshop on the Implementation of a Device Description Repository, Madrid (Spain), 12-13 July 2006. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]
Druh dokumentu: Conference paper
Popis: Users with disabilities, and the elderly, may experience problems in accessing content on the World Wide Web. These problems however can be solved by using a series of assistive technologies, that can be defined as any product, instrument, equipment or technical system used by a person with a disability, which prevents, compensates for, supervises, alleviates or neutralizes the effects of the disability when accessing web content. Such assistive technologies facilitate processes of interaction and access to page content and also help to get the most out of the browser utilities used. It is concluded that content providers should take into consideration a set of good practices in order to develop effective, usable, accessible and adaptable contents for mobile devices.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)