Use of Cloud Computing Technologies for Library Services Delivery: A Survey of Librarians in University Libraries in Africa

Autor: Dime, Ishioma Angela, Okeji, Chukwuma Clement
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Dime, Ishioma Angela and Okeji, Chukwuma Clement Use of Cloud Computing Technologies for Library Services Delivery: A Survey of Librarians in University Libraries in Africa. Informology, 2023, vol. 2, n. 2, pp. 61-82. [Journal article (Paginated)]
Druh dokumentu: Journal article (Paginated)
Popis: The study aimed to investigate the use of cloud computing technologies for library service delivery by librarians in university libraries in Africa. An online survey method was adopted to collect qualitative data from 315 librarians working in 67 university libraries in English-speaking countries in Africa. The study found that YouTube, Google Drive, OPAC, Google Form, Gmail, and Google Scholar are the most mentioned Cloud Computing (CC) technologies used by librarians in university libraries in Africa. The study also revealed that the librarians use CC technologies to store and share files, for sharing videos related to library orientations/other video contents, to collaborate with other librarians for research projects, to survey users’ level of satisfaction with library services, online document editing services, and provision of virtual/online reference services. The majority of the librarians mentioned lack of funds, no security and privacy of data, irregular staff training and development, and lack of CC knowledge and awareness as challenges associated with the adoption of CC technologies in universities in Africa. Solutions to the security of data threats in the cloud environment are offered in the study. The findings will contribute by aiding the providers and potential adopters to devise context-specific strategies for the penetration of cloud services and sound adoption decisions (ADs), respectively. The findings of the study will provide a better understanding and application of CC to advance the provision of library services to users of academic libraries in the African continent.
Databáze: E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science)